Add different levels of play
[Fix] Fix "Back to Commlink 6" Link
"Hack'n Slash" (DE: Auswurfschock)
Import feature for characters
Implement Knowledge Skills=Log+Int (German optional Rule)
implement karma system (German Rules)
0.8.0 ft. "Firing Squad"

This release supports the data contained in the rulebook "Firing Squad", so you got a lot more weapons and also support for weapon modifications.
There also have been several bug fixes and minor improvements in this version.


COM6-88 Support weapon modifications
COM6-118 Include modifications in the item description


COM6-95 Better list cell for modifications - they are too large
COM6-116 Wizard Page for Qualities misses an "ALL" selector
COM6-143 Improve logging for missing translations
COM6-156 Colorize cost in quality cells to indicate positve or negative qualities
COM6-159 Layout improvements on Wizard page with rules


COM6-94 When cancelling creation of a freshly created character in the same session, an exception occurs
COM6-137 Continueing chargen and than cancelling again creates an exception and prevents opening char until next restart
COM6-138 Character names in overview are not updated when char is renamed
COM6-140 Selection dialog does not present choices from variants
COM6-145 Remove Z-Zone and AAA-Zone as lifestyle qualities
COM6-146 In the character overview, trying to add an action skill opens the language skill selector
COM6-154 Karma gained by qualities is always shown as 0
COM6-155 Leaving a char in career mode using the Back-Arrow does not work
COM6-157 Forbidding Initiation/Submersion during chargen had no effect
COM6-158 Android: Menu-Button does not react on "About" page
COM6-160 Wrong Karma cost for Hooder (6WC p.137)

0.7.0 (Alpha 2)

Originally this release should feature online functionality (creating accounts, synchronizing charatcers), but I shifted focus on the feature of a new character generation system.

New & Noteworthy

  • Point Buy: This version supports the character generation using the Point Buy generation rules from the 6WC
  • COM6-109:You can now select chemicals for gas grenades and rockets
  • COM6-111: Character tiles now have a button to open the character directory in a file explorer. This should help if you want to find your characters XML files.

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • COM6-108: Previous versions had an error that lead to a missing information in freshly created characters. That has been fixed.
  • COM6-107: Workaround for opening older characters that miss information what generation rules were used for the character (see above)
  • COM6-104: Choosing aspected skill has no effect
0.6.0 (Christmas Edition)

More content from "Firing Squad" and more german translations for the companion ("Schattenkompendium") content.

New and Noteworthy

  • Translation: General translation for 6WC ("Schattenkompendium") content
  • Firing Squad: Data entered
    • COM6-91: Melee weapons
    • COM6-89: Firearms and armor
    • Entered actions, ammunition types, M-TOC
  • COM6-86: Changed software management - no virtual "Meta Link" as a virtual dummy item anymore

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • Already prepared for Martial Arts and weapon modifications
  • COM6-85: Unified data structures for grunts, spirits and sprites
  • Added more ammunition. I am still experimenting here.
  • Fixed charisma maximum of Elf metatype
  • Fixed encoding error for "Xapiri Thëpë"
0.5.2 (Alpha 1)

New & Noteworthy

  • Translation: General translation text and that from the Core Rulebook have been added

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • COM6-76: Selection dialogs show the rejection reason right above the buttons
  • COM6-78: Inform on availability of updated version on startup
  • COM6-79: Wizard: Gear page does not update Nuyen after changing generator
  • COM6-80: Wizard Page Skills: In "Show all skills in table" mode only one language or knowledge skill is shown
  • COM6-81: Wizard: When priority choice forbids Human, the choice list contains an empty entry
  • COM6-82: Ammunition damage value and AR change not shown (correctly)
  • Added more ammunition. I am still experimenting here.
0.5.1 (Tech Preview 6)

This is mainly a bugfix release that solves some problems reported in the issue tracker

New & Noteworthy

  • Standard PDF: An alternate way of listing played adventure modules has been added to the PDF export
  • Wizard (COM6-72): A wizard page for rituals has been added (I completely forgot that)
  • PDF Viewer: The PDF viewing now works in the interpreted version. The binary version cannot have that feature due to circumstances out of my control.

Bugfixes and Improvements

  • COM6-66: The entries "Body" and "DR" have been removed from the armor list (they were duplicates of the entries above)
  • COM6-68: Sum-To-Ten did not work in the binary version of CommLink
  • COM6-69: Raising skills with Karma was broken in Chargen mode
  • COM6-70: Buying normal qualities failed after having selected some SURGE qualities.
  • COM6-71: The wizard page for SURGE qualities did not refresh when the character generation system had been changed previously
  • COM6-73: On the wizard page for spells, the numbers of max and remaining free spells/rituals wasn't shown
  • COM6-74: Export to PDF failed, if a character has been opened previously
Tech Preview 5

More bugfixes and some improvements went into the latest version of Commlink.

Learn more

Tech Preview 4

New & Noteworthy

  • More metatypes/-variants/-sapients have been illustrated (Centaur)
  • Implemented an error dialog (the "Glitch Bitch") that can provide additional information
  • Implemented career mode for skills
  • Lifestyles: Adding/removing lifestyles is now possible
  • Career: Implemented the rewards (Karma, Nuyen, ...) feature, to be able to level up the character. No database of adventures yet.
  • Standard PDF: Rewards page active again

Bugfixes and Improvements

Some minor changes:

  • Changed the way "heat" is stored in the character. This leads to formerly characters being not parsable anymore. Just delete the line with "<heat>" from the XML.
  • Standard PDF: Printed firemodes and ammunition is now displayed correctly
  • Standard PDF: Vehicle pools are now calculated
  • Standard PDF: Layout improvements for monitors and the gear list on page 2
  • About Page: Added some more information
  • Basis Data Tab: The section for attributes is now smaller, depending on selected mode
  • Character View: Some tabs are now hidden, when they don't apply to character (e.g. spells for mundane users)
  • Added some missing calculations for derived values
  • Fixed a bug with PACKs that continuously added the elements of the PACK again with every character change
  • Fixed a bug with default accessories being duplicated
  • Fixed a bug when assigning PDF files to products, when the memorized last directory doesn't exist anymore

Known Bugs

  • During my tests I encountered some situations where a refresh of the content failed. Often going back and forth in the assistant or changing something helped to trigger a refresh.
  • Android:
    • Warnings from character generation require too much space and push the navigation elements out of the screen (on phones)
    • Character saving does not work. At least characters don't survive uninstalling and reinstalling the application.
    • The card for a created character grows permanently (No clue why - only on Android)
    • Exporting to PDF does not work
  • The whole character screen you see when you leave the assistant or re-open a character is not really functional (or better: some sections are, others are not)
  • While some derived values and effects from qualities, gear, powers ... are taken into account, most are not. That is not really a bug, but not yet implemented.
  • The Matrix tab is unfinished yet
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