This release supports the data contained in the rulebook "Firing Squad", so you got a lot more weapons and also support for weapon modifications.
There also have been several bug fixes and minor improvements in this version.
COM6-88 Support weapon modifications
COM6-118 Include modifications in the item description
COM6-95 Better list cell for modifications - they are too large
COM6-116 Wizard Page for Qualities misses an "ALL" selector
COM6-143 Improve logging for missing translations
COM6-156 Colorize cost in quality cells to indicate positve or negative qualities
COM6-159 Layout improvements on Wizard page with rules
COM6-94 When cancelling creation of a freshly created character in the same session, an exception occurs
COM6-137 Continueing chargen and than cancelling again creates an exception and prevents opening char until next restart
COM6-138 Character names in overview are not updated when char is renamed
COM6-140 Selection dialog does not present choices from variants
COM6-145 Remove Z-Zone and AAA-Zone as lifestyle qualities
COM6-146 In the character overview, trying to add an action skill opens the language skill selector
COM6-154 Karma gained by qualities is always shown as 0
COM6-155 Leaving a char in career mode using the Back-Arrow does not work
COM6-157 Forbidding Initiation/Submersion during chargen had no effect
COM6-158 Android: Menu-Button does not react on "About" page
COM6-160 Wrong Karma cost for Hooder (6WC p.137)
Originally this release should feature online functionality (creating accounts, synchronizing charatcers), but I shifted focus on the feature of a new character generation system.
Some minor changes: